Sunday, April 26, 2009


i was googling the net earlier, mula-mula nak cari asal usul reality tv, but then the search led to chelsea girls by andy warhol, then me led to this celebrity here, Edie Sedgwick... well, bukan dekat malaysia la at least, dekat the western worlds. apperently dia some sort of style icon zaman 60-an dulu, lebeh kurang Paris Hilton skarang la.. i kinda like her style, in fashion sense la, tp xdpt nk ikot coz aku sangat malu part-part nk bergaya ni..haih..
anyway, this lady led a very fast life, mati masa umor 28. semua benda dia buat dlm masa berapa tahun, from drugs to achohol, which led to her death at the age of 28. but she's still quite a big lifestyle icon in the west till now.. i guess she's living her life to the fullest kot..
which make me wonder la kan, is it living life to the fullest when ur not even aware of what happening in ur life if ur under the influence in most of ur waking time..
herm.. here's some of her 'arty' images.. maybe tak seglemer marilyn monroe, but not so bad either..
smart tol gambar ni..

aku ada gambar posing cam ni ngan studio mates kt USM dulu..

love her earrings. aku penah nampak anting2 cenggini dalam gambar tok aku zaman dia muda2, bila aku tanya dia, dia sendri dh tak ingt mana pegi.. haih.. rugi2..

an era of pop culture..

gambar yg dh di edit. luv the color play here.. wish i have this kind of talent.. hhuhu..

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