Sunday, February 24, 2013

Happy birthday to me, or whatever

today is my birthday. birthdays for me is pretty much the same every year, which is pretty much like the other 364 days. so 365 days of the same mundane days. but this year i got a wish. tho this wish is pretty much the same as my other birthdays. it's 6.28pm now so i dont see how my wish for today will come true. it's nothing really big really, the wish. it's a simple thing that some took for granted, but big for me. i know being me, i dont really deserve this wish, but i dont know why this year, i fervently wish for it to come to true. maybe the fact that the wish never came true before, so i just want it to happen once before i reach 30. by the way, im 29 today. 29 birthdays, and it never happened, not even once. it's not gonna happen, kan?

what is this stupid wish that i wish happen today?

i wish for someone to buy me a birthday cake without me being aware of or being a part of. means, without me asking, without me hinting.
pretty silly, but i want it to happen. but then, im me. this kind of thing dont happen to ME. heh. So, happy birthday to me, or whatever.

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